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How to Steal More Bases – 3 SIMPLE Base Stealing Tips

How to steal more bases base stealing tips

So you want to know how to steal more bases for baseball, do ya? Well, you’re in the right place! Whether you’re looking for how to steal second base, how to steal third base, or other base stealing tips, I’m here to show you the ropes. Below you will find a few videos with some of the best base stealing tips on how to steal more bases. Check them out!

Steal More Bases

#1 – Knowing what pitch is coming when stealing second base

This is one of my favorite base stealing tips because it gives you such an advantage when stealing second base. If you know what pitch is going to be thrown, and you can get a good jump, you can pretty much guarantee that you will be safe.  Some people would say this is cheating, but believe it or not, this happens all the time.  If you don’t like it, then you need to defend against it if you’re on defense.  But I promise you it happens and you should take advantage of this base stealing tip if the opportunity presents itself.  Watch the video to learn how to steal more bases!

#2 – Cutting down on your Jab Step when stealing second

Another one of my favorite base stealing tips for how to steal more bases is to cut down on your jab step when you lead off.  What a lot of base stealers do when they start to steal a base is they take a jab step, some of them bigger than others.  If you can cut down on this jab step, you will be faster when stealing second base.  Watch this video to see how to do this.

#3 – Reading the Pitcher’s Looks for stealing 2nd and stealing 3rd

This is another great base stealing tip and this one works a lot of the time.  I can’t tell you how many bases have been stolen off of the pitcher doing the same looks with runners on first and/or second.  Pitchers are creatures of habit and if you pay attention to what they are doing, not only will you be able to pick up if they are tipping their pitches, but you will be able to steal more bases off of them.  Forget if the catcher has a good arm or not.  Steal the bases off of the pitcher!  Watch the video to see what I mean.

I hope you liked these videos on how to steal more bases and some other base stealing tips.  Just remember, stealing more bases is great, but in a showcase, it may be hard to get noticed only stealing a bag or two.  That’s why the 60 yard dash is important.  It can show the scouts that, not only do you have the awareness and skills to steal more bases, but your speed is there as well.  So please, check out my page for 60 yard dash tips!

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  1. Front page is great but I cant read everything by tour pics their cut off ,but great videos in stilling!

    1. What do you mean the pics are cut off? What browser are you using if you don’t mind me asking so I can try to fix the problem. Thanks so much!

  2. Hey John, I LOVE the update. It makes it so much easier to access the shop, the programs I’ve purchased, and the login page. Keep up the good work -Matt

  3. Hey John. Watched a ton of your videos on you tube. You are totally awesome. I just wanted to give you the biggest thank you. It’s nice to see someone was is so generous with their time and shares his knowledge.

    1. Hey Abe! Thanks brother I appreciate that! I’m just happy to help those like yourself. If there is anything I can to do help you in the future just let me know. Thanks again!

  4. Hi, it’s my first time here. I’m 19 years old and I’m taking a assistant coach position at the high school I graduated from. So I’m trying to get all the help I can get haha

    1. Welcome to the site Jared! That’s awesome! How’d it go so far with the coaching gig?

  5. Thank you for the tips I am on my 5th year of coaching Little League. I try each and every season to learn something new to pass on to my players. My focus is on teaching and most important to have fun doing it. I appreciate your efforts in sharing your knowledge with coaches.

    1. That’s a great way to go about it JDC. Thanks so much and let me know if there is anything I can ever help you with. Thanks again!

  6. John me and my son are big fans I also give my jr.high and high School boys list of your videos for what problems they might have we also have a saying when I’m I’m teaching (as the great John Madden says) my boy is 11 years young in 6th grade and is a catcher has been since t-ball he gets in and catches for the highschool boys and holds his own one pitcher he catches is a senior with a full ride scholership so I thank he needs to stay behind the plate I do let him play all other positions because I want him to be a rounded out baseball player (utility player) I feel like he is losing interest behind the plate thodo you have any suggestions also do you any good web sites for learning the catchers position we are lifetime Cubs fans but living close to Cardinal nation he loves Molina

    1. Hey Chad, haha that’s awesome thanks man! Catcher is a great position. The game needs great catchers. Benji Johnson has a great instagram page for catchers with a lot of good info. I may be having a pro catcher on in the near future with some tips too so I got you if I do. Thanks again! Tell the boys I said hi!

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